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Work Experience


As self-employed barristers, we do not have the structure or facilities to comply with any regulatory, health or safety or other administrative requirements of local education authority or school, college or academy work experience schemes and, therefore, do not offer “work experience”.

However, we are able to offer school, academy or college pupils of ability in state or private sector secondary education, who are interested in a career at the Bar, to “shadow” one of our barristers for a day.

You would accompany a barrister in Chambers or to court or a conference so that you can observe something of a barrister’s day-to-day working life. In return, we would expect you to present and conduct yourself in an appropriate and professional manner.

During the period of work shadowing, all reasonable expenses would be met.

In exceptional cases of need, reimbursement of travel expenses may be available for applicants who attend a state school (or a private school with the help of a means tested scholarship) and meet two or more of the following criteria:

  • Recipient of free school meals.
  • First in their family to attend university.
  • Have parent(s)/guardian(s) who received income support or they themselves are in receipt of income or housing benefits.
  • Spent time in care during their school years
  • Is a refugee
Criteria for offer of shadowing at Ropewalk Chambers:
  • Shadowing is only available to pupils who are presently studying for their A-Levels or equivalent in Years 12 or 13, and who intend to pursue, or are actively considering pursuing, both an undergraduate degree in law and a legal career afterwards, and who can demonstrate that they have a real prospect of success in those regards.
  • We will only consider applicants whose educational institution is in the East Midlands. We have had to impose this geographical requirement by reason of demand for places.

Please note that shadowing places are strictly limited. As such, please take care when completing the form below.

Apply Now

Work-shadowing Application Form

Complete the form below to start your application:

Part 1: Personal Details


Part 2: Education and Qualifications

Part 3: Interests

Part 4: Career Aspirations

Part 5: Other Information

Part 6: References (school referees only)

Confidentiality Undertaking(Required)
We take the protection of our clients’ personal data extremely seriously. By participating in our work-shadowing scheme you undertake to: Maintain absolute confidentiality, both during and after the work-shadowing, over all matters that you may learn in the course of your time with us. Follow all physical, electronic and managerial safeguarding procedures, as directed. Report any unauthorised or unlawful processing, loss, damage or destruction of personal data to your supervisor immediately.

By participating in our work-shadowing scheme you agree to the Confidentiality Undertaking
Generative AI (i.e. Chat GPT)(Required)
I understand that my application must be my sole creation and original work, and that I am not permitted to use any generative AI programmes, including Large Language Model (LLM) programmes like ChatGPT, to write any responses within it. I confirm that any use of generative AI will result in my application being rejected.

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